Distribution One


A Kazakhstani software manufacturer. The main functionality is the implementation of innovative IT solutions that enhance the efficiency of businesses and automate their operations. The development process of the software utilizes the most advanced technologies and software development methodologies, enabling the provision of modern, high-tech, and reliable products at the international level.

We will be able to find a suitable solution for you!

We will be able to find a suitable solution for you!


Identity and Access Management (IAM) system.
An automated system for managing enterprise personnel's access to information systems. It is a centralized integration solution for connecting both external and internal systems and services. It interacts with the enterprise's HR system to synchronize access provision in accordance with HR events.

Identity Management System (IMS).

IDMX 2023 Brochure

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Это специализированное приложение для формализации, управления, хранения, согласования информации о доступах в организации.

Our Clients Know

offers and implements innovative solutions

Our goal is to help companies create operational systems that enable efficient operations, potential strategic development, and establish partnerships.
Наши клиенты знают - Distribution One



© 2023 Distribution One
Development and support Google Map Business